名称 | Digital Signage Japan (DSJ) 2011 |
主办 | Digital Signage Japan2011 实行委员会 |
承办 | Digital Signage Consortium, NANO OPT Media,Inc. |
时间 | 2011年6月8日(周三)、9日(周四)、10日(周五) |
展会场馆 | 幕张Messe (国际展示大厅 国际会议大厅) |
赞助 | Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Federation of all Japan Out-door Advertising Associations,Japan Advertising Agencies Association, Japan Sign Design Association,Japan Council of Shopping Centers, Japan Display Design Association,Nippon Display Federation, Japan Self-Service Association, Japan Voluntary Chain Association, Shop System Study Society,Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization, Japan Visual Library Association,Japan Supermarkets Association, Japan Chain Stores Association,Japan Department Stores Association, Mobile Marketing Solution Association,Japan Foundation for Electronic Commerce. *Record of Digital Signage Japan 2010 |
同时举办 | Interop Tokyo 2011、IMC Tokyo 2011 |