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5G/Local 5G latest trends and Beyond 5G/6G technical goals

5G and local 5G services have been launched in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Beyond 5G / 6G technical goals include terahertz communication, ultra-high speed, ultra-low latency, ultra-high quality, ultra-low power consumption, ultra-safety, ultra-high availability, ultra-wide coverage (use in land, sea and space) , fixed and mobile convergence, AI-applied (zero-touch operation and self-configuration), complete synchronization with CPS (Cyber Physical System), etc. The lecture also addresses activities of 3GPP, ITU -R, research institutes, corporates including research examples.

Chiba University, Japan

Professor Emeritus

Shiro Sakata

Shiro SAKATA joined Central Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation in 1974. He received a Ph.D. in electronic and communication engineering from Waseda University in 1991. He served as the Director of Central Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation from 1996 to 2004.He joined Chiba University, Japan in 2004 and he was a Professor at the Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science from 2004 to 2014. He is a Professor Emeritus at Chiba Unive5rsity. He has been a principal researcher at the University of Tokyo since 2018. Dr. Sakata received IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) Yamashita Research Memorial award in 1996, and IPSJ Research Contribution award in 2016. He is an IPSJ. He is an IPSJ Special honorary member. He received IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) Outstanding Research Contribution award in 2010. He is an IEICE Fellow. He is an IEEE Fellow.
