• on-demand


11.18(金) 13:30-14:15 | 展示会場内セミナー Room B


Thematic Seminar

Trends of AI Application in Retail and its Realization by DataRobot

*Japanese only


Presented byDataRobot, Inc.

While the methods of using AI vary from company to company, we have found some common use cases in the retail domain in the course of supporting many of our customers. In this session, we will organize them and explain how they can be realized with DataRobot with demonstrations.
  • AI
  • Retail AI Expo

DataRobot, Inc.

Data Scientist

Yasunari Niina

Yasunari Niina is a data scientist at DataRobot. After working in data analysis in the Internet, financial, and SaaS industries, he joined DataRobot Japan in March 2020. In his previous position, he applied DataRobot and MA integration and won Marketo Champion Award. Currently, he supports customers in the distribution, retail, Internet, and manufacturing industries in their use of AI.
