
11.16(水) 11:30-12:15 | 展示会場内セミナー Room D


Thematic Seminar

Current Status of Security Assessment of IoT Devices

*Japanese only


Presented bySciencePark Corporation

In recent years, embedded devices are connected to networks and have a variety of interfaces. They have functions that are no different from those of personal computers of a decade ago. However, despite their advanced functionality, most of them do not take security into consideration in terms of cost and maintenance. In this session, we will show examples of actual IoT device diagnostics and countermeasures, as well as introduce our services that make it even easier. We will also introduce our service that makes it even easier.
  • Safety & Security

SciencePark Corporation

Platform div. Leader

Hideaki Miura

I was originally engaged in the development of Windows device drivers and security products using this technology. Using this knowledge, I am mainly engaged in security verification for IoT devices, which have been expanding in recent years.

