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11.17(木) 10:30-11:15 | 展示会場内セミナー Room E


Thematic Seminar

Yuragi learning General purpose data Analisys Platform (YGAP)

*Japanese only



Yuragi Learning is a artificial intelligence software model inspired by human brain cognitive function. In this talk, we introduce the overview of "Yuragi Learning" and "YGAP: Yuragi learning General purpose data Analysis Platform".
  • AI

Osaka University

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Toshiyuki KANO

After joining NEC in 1981, he was in charge of the development and development supervision of various communication system LSIs, optical communication systems, and Internet switches and routers. 2006-2011 Director of NEC System Platform Research Laboratories, 2011-2018 Executive Chief Engineer of NEC Central Research Laboratories, 2016-now, he is charged in the research and development of a brain inspired computing technologies as Deputy Director of NEC Brain-Inspired Computing Research Alliance Laboratries (NBIC) and Professor of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology in Osaka University, and Senior Chief Engineer of NEC Data Science Research Laboratories in NEC Corporation.

