• on-demand


11.17(木) 14:30-15:15 | 展示会場内セミナー Room E


Thematic Seminar

engineer who developed a protocol stack by scratch dev thinks a compact way to achieve secure COM?

*Japanese only


Presented byeForce Co., Ltd.

It is now common knowledge that various embedded devices are connected to networks, and attacks are becoming more diversified, sophisticated, and complex. Attack targets are not limited to PCs and smartphones, but also extend to embedded devices. How can security measures that are taken for granted in PCs be realized in embedded devices? In this seminar, we will introduce optimal security measures from the perspective of engineers who have provided protocol stacks for many years.
  • Safety & Security

eForce Co.,Ltd.

μNet3 manager in development deartment

Mitsutomo Shinomiya

Joined eForce in. He has been involved in embedded development for over 20 years, and has been engaged in the development of network communications such as mobile phones, VoIP, and PBX. At eForce, he is responsible for the development of TCP/IP, SSL and IPv6 protocol stacks.

