• on-demand


11.16(水) 14:30-15:30 | アネックスホール F206


Thematic Seminar

Establishment of Offshore Software Team in India for Advanced IT Software Development

*Japanese only


The shortage of IT engineer has become a serious issue in Japan. To overcome the issue, many Japanese companies started development center in India. In India, Sony, NEC, Toshiba, Fujitsu, NTT Data, Panasonic, Rakuten Softbank, Mercari, Mitsubishi Group, Hitachi and others are developing software with over 30,000 engineers. It is proposed Software Development teams in India to companies in Japan that require advanced IT, such as AI, blockchain, FPGA and others. In collaboration with the development team, they can expect development results comparable to those of GAFAM and IBM or more.
  • Special Session

Genesys Corp.



Joined Mitsubishi Atomic Power Industries(Currently Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) and designed Advanced Nuclear Core, such as Monju (FBR). Established Genesys Corp. for Software business with India in 1991 after General Electric International work.

