• on-demand


11.15(水) 11:00-12:00 | アネックスホール F205



The world is evolving with digital transformation
~What is necessary to advance Japan's DX? ~

The world is now rapidly evolving digitally. The structure of the world is changing dramatically due to digital evolution. We will introduce examples and tips for advancing digital transformation based on the latest trends in the world through lectures and panel discussions.
  • On Demand Seminar


Senior Evangelist

Kunikazu Matsumoto

Joined Fujitsu in 1991. Engaged in a variety of IT-related tasks from software/hardware design to product/business planning/sales promotion/sales support in a total of 16 divisions and 42 departments in information, communications, and mobile. Currently, he is active as a senior evangelist, leveraging his diverse work experience. He is active in a wide range of activities, including introducing topics such as digital transformation and work style reform in magazines, newspapers, the Web, radio, and other media, holding discussions with celebrities, writing for academic journals, and lecturing at multiple high schools and universities. Through more than 200 lectures throughout the country and digital-related consultations for more than 200 companies a year, we support digital transformation and work style reform at companies and organizations using general IT and design thinking workshops. He also writes for various media and industry magazines.


SocioLabo Inc.

Ikuo Nakagawa

Ph.D. by The University of Tokyo. In 2002, He started strategic research subsidiary in an IT company, Japan. He also started several new businesses in his carrier. He starts his own business in 2021 and providing consulting and lecturing for companies. Recently, through DeruQui, he has been discovering young talent and creating opportunities for them to grow and take on challenges.
