
11.16(木) 15:30-16:30 | アネックスホール F201


Thematic Seminar

Remarks on an Edge AI Businness and MetaFormer Implementation on an FPGA

With the development of deep learning, the "edge AI" market, including embedded systems, is expected to expand. Since edge AI requires large operations under limited computational resources, data structures, and architectures are being researched and developed. We will introduce an example of an edge AI business worked on by Tokyo Artisan Intelligence Co., Ltd., of which the presenter is the founder. Next, we will discuss implementing Vision Transformer, a more accurate image recognition AI model, on an FPGA.
  • AI

Tohoku University Professor /

Tokyo Artisan Intelligence Co., Ltd. CEO

Hiroki Nakahara

Hiroki Nakahara received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, in 2003, 2005, and 2007, respectively. He has held research/faculty positions at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Iizuka, Japan, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan, Ehime University, Ehime, Japan and Tokyo Instiute of Technology, Kanagawa, Japan. Now, he is a Professor at Tohoku University, Japan and CEO at Tokyo Artisan Intelligence Co., Ltd., Japan. 国立大学法人 東北大学/Tokyo Artisan Intelligence株式会社 教授/CEO 中原啓貴 様


  • Company/DepartmentTokyo Artisan Intelligence Co., Ltd. AI Division
  • AddressNisso Building 8th floor
  • TEL+81-03-4570-2214
  • URLhttps://tokyo-ai.tech/
