• on-demand


11.17(金) 12:30-13:10 | 展示会場内 Room F


Thematic Seminar

Application of XDDP in the development of derivatives of smart lock services

Smart lock services span a wide range of technical fields, including IoT devices, the cloud, and smartphone apps. When developing a derivative of such a system, it is important to request changes in each area, requests for additional functions, and cooperation between areas in order to realize the service vision. Therefore, we used the concept of XDDP to communicate in each area using modified USDM and a traceability matrix. As a result, we were able to complete development in half a year and begin actual operation in eight months. In this lecture, we will introduce the usefulness of USDM in derivative development in a wide range of technical areas, and examples of ultra-short-term service development and operation that were realized through planning management and communication innovations.
  • IoT
  • On Demand Seminar


Sumai IoT Dept.

Hidetoshi Honda

Engaged in a large-scale surveillance and control system for a mobile carrier. Realized the importance of process quality in the project. Encountered XDDP and became involved in process improvement and quality improvement activities. Currently, responsible for customer success in new business while working on product and service improvement and development.


  • Company/DepartmentAssociation for Facilitation Of Rational Derivational Development Secretariat
  • Address23rd Floor, Osaki Wiz Tower, 2-11-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan eXmotion Co., Ltd.
  • TEL070-3606-0153
  • E-mailquery@affordd.jp
  • URLhttps://affordd.jp/
