NEC Corporation
Director & Senior Principal Researcher, Visual Intelligence Research Laboratories
Jianquan Liu
Jianquan Liu is currently the Director and Senior Principal Researcher at NEC Corporation, working on multimedia data processing. He is also a Visiting Professor at Nagoya University and an Adjunct Professor at Hosei University. Prior to NEC, he was a development engineer in Tencent Inc. His research interests include multimedia databases, web data mining and information retrieval. He has made significant contributions to the field, published 70+ papers at major conferences and journals, received 30+ awards, and filed 100+ patents. He has also successfully commercialized his research achievements through industrial applications. Currently, he is/was serving as the Industry Co-chair of IEEE ICIP'23,'25 and ACM MM'23,'24; the General Co-chair of IEEE MIPR'21 and others. He is a senior member of ACM/IEEE, and a member of IEICE/IPSJ/APSIPA/DBSJ, and an associate editor of IEEE TMM, ACM TOMM, EURASIP JIVP and others. He received the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Tsukuba.