2019.6.12(水)~ 6.14(金) 幕張メッセ(国際展示場/国際会議場)

6/12(Wed),13(Thu),14(Fri) MAKUHARI MESSE [CHIBA JAPAN]


赤田 正雄


キャリアビジネス事業本部 CTO




Masao Akata

Huawei Technologies Japan

Carrier Network Business Group

Mr. Masao Akata has over 35 years of experience in development and technical marketing for Japanese network infrastructure industry. He is currently CTO of Carrier Business Group, Huawei Technologies Japan K. K.

Prior to joining Huawei Japan, he took lead on technical marketing and commercial introduction of mobile network technologies such as WiMAX and LTE in Samsung Japan, NSN Japan and Motorola Japan. In his earlier career, he was also engaged in R&D for PSTN, ISDN and ATM (B-ISDN) systems for Japanese network infrastructure as well as ASIC devices for those systems at NEC. He holds a Bachelors and Master degree from University of Tokyo.